Saturday, February 14, 2009

Customer Service

For those of you reading this blog for the first time, Karl Fisch is the Director of Technology at Arapahoe High School in Centennial, Colorado. The Fischbowl is a "Staff Development Blog For Arapahoe High School Teachers Exploring Constructivism And 21st Century Learning Skills". On this blog, Karl Fisch promotes the importance of "everyone" being technologically literate. His post from Best? Post of 2007- the month of May-Best: Customer Service, caught my eye because I worked in "customer service" for a rental car company for several years.
Mr. Fisch begins by asking the reader to watch the video that inspired him to write the post. The video is basically a tape recorded conversation between a customer and a customer service representative for Hewlett Packard. Not only does the customer not resolve his issue, the call is disconnected. Basically, he received poor customer service. Mr. Fisch takes the concept of "customer service" and applies it to his position as primary tech support person at Arapahoe High School.
Because he is constantly busy, Mr. Fisch admits that when a teacher or student comes to him with a problem, instead of teaching them how to solve the problem them selves, he solves it for them. In doing so, he admits to hindering them in the enhancement of their "technological literacy".
As usual, Mr. Fisch started me to thinking. As a future educator, I began to view my prospective students as customers. In committing myself to their success, I must be knowledgeable and comfortable in the use of all tools available to enhance the learning experience.